Justice & Corrections

Youth Justice
Henwood Foundation, for the Iwi Chairs Forum, 2017
This report seeks to understand the involvement of rangatahi Māori (14- to 16-year-olds) in the youth justice system in Aotearoa New Zealand. We ask why so many of the young people moving through this system are Māori, and describe some of the actions being taken to reduce rangatahi Māori engagement with it.

Victims of crime
Ministry of Justice, 2014
The Māori and Pasifika participants in this study had diverse experiences of informal and formal victim support – ranging from very positive to quite negative or the absence of support. Most participants sought and found support from their family, friends, church, or work colleagues. This support endorsed participants’ candidacy for support as victims of crime. This endorsement was withheld when informal support networks trivialised participants’ experience of crime, or when participants did not to seek informal support.

Victims of Crime
Te Puni Kōkiri & Ministry of Justice, 1999
This Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, with Māori) research set out to document the needs of Māori ‘victims’ of crime within a wider context by talking to both key informants as well as those who had experienced crime (regardless of whether or not they described themselves as a ‘victim’). The kaupapa of the research was to paint a broad picture of the context in which crimes against Māori are committed as well as provide the finer details of individuals’ experiences.