Research Methods
Whānau Social Assistance Programme - Evaluation Framework, 2010
The Whānau Social Assistance Programme instigated in 2009 by Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Māori Affairs) is comprised of a number of initiatives to support the health and wellness of Māori families, including: Maara Kai (gardens), Kaitoko Whānau (Māori family navigators) and Oranga Whānau (elders supporting Māori families). In 2010 Katoa Ltd developed evaluation frameworks for each of these three initiatives.
Research Methods to Capture Whānau Realities, 2009-10
This Health Research Council partnership grant funded research worked collaboratively with stakeholders to search out research methods that more fully capture the fullness and interconnectedness of collectives. These methods have been examined for their credibility and possible use within Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, for Māori) research on whānau, as well as their potential to contribute to policy related to whānau well-being and aspirations. Read more
Kaupapa Māori Epidemiology, 2007
Epidemiology has a powerful place in an ‘evidence-based’ policy environment where it is used to shape health policy, priorities, purchasing and evaluation. A Kaupapa Māori epidemiology is an epidemiology that is responsive to the demographic circumstances of the Māori population. It therefore reinforces the development of policy and practice that is responsive to Māori. Read more